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The living spirit lives, and then it dies Living Spirit Is that truly it? Or does itreincarnate?

Immerse yourself in a magical companionship book composed of Laural's spirited soul and her cynical friend, Jaja. Steal a glance into this astonishing souls' journey book, and witness yourself become awestruck at the insights the duo offers.

Jennifer Davis Author

Finding Laural in the Midst of Irreversible Loss and Immortal Love

The day after Christmas is supposed to be beaming with contentment and bejeweled with the sweet tinge of hope — but every single ounce of this happiness altered for Jennifer Davis Deckert in 2021. Her beloved sister, Laural, had left this world at a tragically unexpected time.

In grief, anyone would go to extended lengths to lessen the pain in their hearts, and so did the author of ‘The Book of Laural.’

At last, solace was found at the end of the road when Deckert used her pen to revive and give life to Laural in her own artistic way. Her writings have made their place in one of the best soul mate books.

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Presence in Absence — Unmasking Grief in this Companionship and Friendship Book

A butterfly undergoes metamorphosis, becomes its most beautiful version, and perishes in a relatively short time — and so does Laural in each of the lifetimes she spends in her universe. Her rebirth is marked by a new beginning every single time, allowing new experiences and friendships to bloom. Marked by the recurring themes of discovery and adventure, finding hidden music along with Jaja — this cynical fairy book promises to take the readers on an insightful flight, once in a lifetime.

The Book of Laural is considered one of the most affectionate and moving works amongst the music theory and harmony books.

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Book Cover

‘The Book of Laural’ — What the Readers Say about this Mystical Creatures Book

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